The Way to true joy and fruitfulness - 7 February 2025
Ruanne van Zyl
… but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:2-3, NIV
Psalm 1 serves as an opening to the Psalms and paints a stark contrast between two paths of life – the path of the godly and that of the wicked. It emphasises the blessings of obedience to God and the emptiness of a life that rejects him.
The God-fearing person is described as someone who finds joy in the law of the Lord. This “law” refers not only to rules, but to all of God’s Word and will. Studying or meditating on his Word is not a duty, but a source of inspiration and hope. This train of thought changes our focus from worldly influences to God’s truth, which guides and blesses our lives.
The psalm compares the God-fearing person to a tree planted by streams of water. This image speaks of stability, nutrition and fruitfulness. The tree stays healthy, bears fruit at the right time and is not destroyed by storms. Similarly, by walking with God and being rooted in his Word, believers find an inner strength and joy that is not dependent on their circumstances.
On the other hand, there is the wicked way of life, which is likened to chaff. Chaff, the husks separated from grains of wheat, is light and worthless. It is blown away by the wind. It points to the unstable and senseless lives of those who ignore God’s will.
Psalm 1 urges us to establish our roots deep in God by spending time in his Word. This leads to a life that is filled with joy, meaning and eternal value. No matter what challenges we may face, we can be sure that we will not only be fruitful, but also enjoy God’s blessings.
Prayer: Lord, help me to meditate on your Word and root my life in your will. Give me wisdom to arrange my life according to your guidelines, so that I may be like a fruitful tree that brings you glory. Amen