You Are Called to Witness - 2 October 2013
Nina Smit
“When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about Me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
~ Acts 1:8
About a century ago the famous cricketer C. T. Studd decided to exchange his cricket bat for his Bible. The news was greeted with shock by his supporters. He did missionary work in China and in Africa. His motto was:
“Some folk prefer a quiet place,
Within the sound of church and chapel bell.
I want to run a rescue shop
Within a yard of hell.”
Here on earth we should be God’s representatives, His witnesses, so that His Good News reaches the whole world and each person at least has a chance to make a choice for Jesus. At present 33% of the world population say that they are Christians. The other 67% have either never heard of God or have never chosen to belong to Him. If you wish to live in step with God, it is your duty to be a witness of His love, to take responsibility in the spreading of the gospel all over the world.
Even if you can’t go to the mission field yourself, you can still pray, take an interest in this work and make funds available for the spreading of the gospel.
Lord Jesus, make me willing to spread Your message, either by going personally, or by praying and contributing financially so that people all over the world can hear about You. Amen