Hennie Symington

“Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.”  Ecclesiastes 11:4

Always keep in mind that God's main purpose is to prepare and shape us for eternity. When we understand that, we can understand that we are not going to have easy seasons all of the time. Even the blessed man of Psalm 1 who meditates on the Word bears fruit "in its season" (Psalm 1:1-3) not out of season. Whether we see fruit in our current season or not, believe and trust that God is still at work, preparing something good for us.

How do I look ahead to the harvest without losing faith or hope of ever seeing that harvest bear fruit? My answer to that would be: look back over your life and see the furrows you’ve ploughed, the seeds you’ve sown and the fruits of the harvest you have enjoyed over the years.

Ask yourself: What I am learning now that will help me be wiser as the next season approaches? Would it be useful as I pass through the various seasons, good or bad, knowing that I could learn things even in the dark seasons that enable me to minister hope and faith to others who might face these kinds of challenges in the future? And to learn not to despair under such circumstances, but to know for sure that God, through dark times and good, has never left your side. Often growth happens in the deepest valleys and crevices of our soul without your even noticing. Let us not despair in dark times but trust that you are never on your own.

Prayer: Lord, often we come despondent when we see only darkness ahead. Remind me to look back at the times that I was close to you knowing that you never left my side. Amen