Who can dwell in God’s presence? - 27 February 2025
Ruanne van Zyl
Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose way of life is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart. Psalm 15:1-2, NIV
Psalm 15 is an invitation to consider what being in God’s presence means. David begins with an important question: who may dwell with God? This question is not just about physical access to the temple or holy sites, but about the spiritual qualities needed to be in a living relationship with God.
The psalm lists qualities of the person who may stand in God’s holiness: they live blamelessly, speak the truth, avoid evil, honour God and remain faithful to their promises, even if it comes at a cost. These standards illustrate what a life of commitment and integrity looks like.
Being “blameless” does not mean perfection but, rather, living sincerely and honestly. Their actions are in accordance with God’s will and they are focused on righteousness. In a world filled with injustice and falsehood, it is difficult to follow such a path, but Psalm 15 reminds us that it is the path that leads to communion with God.
The essence of this psalm shows that holy living begins within the heart. Nurturing truth in your heart means that your actions flow from a pure and God-centred inner source. Such integrity is evident in how you treat others, in your avoidance of evil and gossip, and in your reverence for God’s works.
Finally, David makes a promise: he who lives this way will never falter. This stability and security come because their lives are grounded on God. Their trust in him carries them through any storm, for their roots are in his holiness and righteousness.
Prayer: Lord, I want to be in your presence. Guide me to live sincerely, cherish truth in my heart and be faithful to your will. Thank you for being the foundation of my stability and peace. Amen