Take refuge in God during difficult times - 18 February 2025
Ruanne van Zyl
Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. Psalm 57:1, NIV
Psalm 57 is a prayer of David that he composed while fleeing from King Saul. It reflects a life full of danger and stress, yet also a firm trust in God’s protection and salvation. This psalm teaches us how to respond when we are going through difficult times.
David acknowledges his need for God’s grace and protection in the opening verses. He uses the image of a bird that takes its young under its wings to protect them from danger. David relies on God as his refuge – the safe haven where he can stay until the “destruction” is over. When storms rage over our lives, we too are invited to take refuge in God and trust in his faithfulness.
In Psalm 57:2 we read: “I cry out to God Most High, to God, who vindicates me.” David does not see God as an aloof observer of his circumstances, but as the One who actively acts and can change his situation. This confidence allows him to remain calm even when he is surrounded by danger.
The psalm describes how David lives amid his enemies. He feels like someone being surrounded by lions – violent and merciless people. Still, his focus is increasingly shifted to praise. He declares in Psalm 57:7: “My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.” David finds rest, not in the absence of his problems, but in the presence of his God.
Psalm 57 ends with a hymn of praise for God’s greatness and faithfulness that reaches into the heavens. It reminds us that, no matter our circumstances, God is worthy of our praise because he is good and his love never lets us go.
Prayer: Lord, you are my hiding place during the storms of life. Please help me to trust in you when I feel threatened or overwhelmed. Thank you for your love and faithfulness, which protects me. I always want to praise you despite the challenges that I face. Amen