Neville Turley

“Everyone who wants to live a godly life in union with Christ Jesus will be persecuted;” 2 Timothy 3:12 (GNT)

Our Lord Jesus stressed the importance of counting the cost of being his disciple.

“No one,” he said, “builds a tower without first calculating the cost of doing so. Otherwise they may run out of money and be ridiculed for their folly.  Nor does a king go to war against an equally strong enemy before calculating whether he will be able to defeat him.” (Luke 14:25-33)

The world would be a better place if we were as direct and honest as Jesus was to those who wanted to follow him. In some cases he discouraged would-be followers.

To a man who said “I will follow you, sir; but first let me go and say good-bye to my family.”  Jesus said to him, “Anyone who starts to plough then keeps looking back is of no use to the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:61-62)

Jesus demands our whole-hearted allegiance. No one is worthy of being his disciple unless their love and commitment to him is their first and foremost priority.

In every generation, Jesus calls men and women to continue the work he begun.  It’s our turn today. He wants committed followers who will grow his church.

They will encounter difficulties, some more than others, so they should first count the cost.  Few will be tested as severely as Paul was; “Five times I was given the thirty-nine lashes by the Jews; three times I was whipped by the Romans; and once I was stoned. I have been in three shipwrecks, and once I spent twenty-four hours in the water.  In my many travels I have been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from my own people and from Gentiles; there have been dangers in the cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, and dangers from false friends.” (2 Corinthians 11:24-26)

In one way or another, all Christians pay a price for putting Christ first in their life.  Sometimes those who treat them most harshly are those closest to them.  Jesus has an answer of assurance for all who suffer for serving him. 

“Listen!” says Jesus. “I am coming soon! I will bring my rewards with me, to give to each one according to what he has done.” (Revelations 22:12)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, May the Holy Spirit give me courage to stand firm in my witness at all times.  Amen