Verse-a-day - 10 July 2015
I like God because he does not think I am bad
Danny Fourie
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7
The fact that God knows us better than we know ourselves, is reason enough for many people to not want to put their lives in God’s hands. Because, they say, a God who knows us inside out cannot possibly like us. Strange as it may sound, it is exactly the fact that God knows everything about us, that makes many people refrain from making a definite choice for him.
I know someone who, let's call her Lila, drank a lot and used soft drugs. She hung out with bad friends, but deep in her heart she knew she was on a road of destruction. She wanted to choose God, but thought that God would not accept her then. Not yet. He knew that she drinks too much and smoke grass. She was too evil to be a child of God.
If Lila would be right, Jesus could just as well have stayed with his Father in heaven. Fortunately, Lila was wrong. God wanted to take her as his child in spite of alcohol and drugs and bad company. Jesus did not come to this earth for those who are without sin and shortcomings. There is no one person who is without sin.
Maybe you remember how we played by taking a flower and then pulling the leaves one by one around the flower. With the one leaf you say, “She loves me” and the next leaf, “She loves me not”. So you repeat it until all the flowers of the leaf are pulled. If the previous flower ended with “She loves me not” you go look for a new flower!
God never plays such a game with us. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, I again like God.
Thank you Lord that you love me in spite of who I am. Thank you for accepting me as your child precisely because I am full of sin and defects. Amen.
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