Xanthe Hancox

…we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.  1 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Can you be trusted? Now that’s not the same as asking if you are honest. There is a difference, although honesty is a part of being trustworthy. There are honest people who are not trustworthy in certain circumstances. For example, though I try to be honest at all times, I certainly can’t be trusted as a brain surgeon, an airline pilot or at opening the batting for the Proteas. See the difference?

Thankfully, most of us have not been entrusted with brain surgery or flying planes, and those who have, spend many hours studying and training so that they are trustworthy in their roles. All of us, however, as followers of Jesus, have been entrusted with the gospel.

So what does it take to be trustworthy with the gospel?  Like Paul, we need to be bold (see 2:2) and need to please God. It sounds easy enough, but think about how difficult a mindset this is to maintain. We love the roar of the crowds. We like to be liked. We hate being ridiculed and attacked. As a result, we find ourselves serving the world’s definition of success; money, position and accolades. We find ourselves doing what we need to do to fit in even if it means turning away from God’s truth.

Paul was trustworthy with the gospel because he ministered from an understanding of his identity in Jesus. This means that he lived with a clear understanding of himself as someone given the responsibility and the charge from God to preach the gospel to those who have not heard it. Paul didn't seek glory from other people, regardless of who they were, because his needs for security and acceptance were met in Jesus. He didn't spend his life trying to seek and earn the acceptance of those around him, he spent it trying to please God.

Can God trust you with his gospel?  It’s the most important job you’ll ever have.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for the great privilege and responsibility I have to make your gospel known. Help me to always be mindful of this, and that I would be bold and always seek to please you above all else.