Xanthe Hancox

You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia – your faith in God has become known everywhere.  1 Thessalonians 6-7

Paul has high praise for the church in Thessalonica. Their example of faith, hope, and love is a pattern for others to follow. As our verse today says, they have become a model for other churches. In fact, in many ways, the Thessalonians exemplify many of the traits that should be expected of the churches of Jesus Christ.

First, the Thessalonians are a church because of their identity in Jesus Christ. Although their work and service are commendable, this doesn't make them a church. They are a church because they have believed the gospel message. And because they believed the gospel, they repented, giving up their former idolatry. When they turned toward Christ for salvation, they turned away from the things they once worshiped.

Repentance leads to a resemblance to Christ. They now have different values, choices, and priorities—they want to imitate the Lord and walk in his steps. The Thessalonians are a good pattern for us to follow because they're following the pattern set before them of Christ himself.

Finally, the Thessalonians embraced their mission from God. Their faith produced service and missionary enthusiasm; they jumped into God's purposes with both feet after their conversion.

Sometimes people like the Thessalonians make us envious. We wonder why we're not growing and spiritually maturing as they are. It's challenging to know that the Thessalonians aren't held up as an example because they are in some way extraordinary, “super-spiritual” people. If we are in Christ we are just like them, loved and chosen by God and full of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Thank you Father for the example of the church in Thessalonica. Help me to also turn away from wordly things and turn towards you, so that you message will also ring out from me.