A Quiet Place - 23 October 2013
Nina Smit
“When you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father secretly. Then your Father, who knows all secrets, will reward you.”
~ Matthew 6:6
The disciples saw that Jesus often went to pray alone. When they asked Him to teach them to pray, He said they must approach God in privacy and be alone when they pray to Him.
Every child of God needs a quiet place. You need solitude and silence for your quiet time, and also a special place where you can be alone so that nothing and no one can distract you. In your quiet place, when all other things are set aside, you ought to focus on God only. Switch off your cell phone and ask the members of your family not to disturb you while you’re busy with your quiet time. Before you start praying or reading the Bible, first become quiet for a while and think about God, who He is and what He does for you.
Andrew Murray, who wrote many books on prayer and sanctification, knew the secret of a place where you can be alone with God. He writes, “As you enter the inner chamber, let your first work be to thank God for the unspeakable love which invited you to come to Him and to converse freely with Him. Thank the Lord for the assurance you have that He will bless you. Praise and thank the Triune God for His holy presence.”
Heavenly Father, thank You that I may experience the great joy of fellowship with You in my quiet place every day. Amen