The truth shall set you free - 28 August 2013
Dirk Taljaard
Reading from Scripture
Exodus 20:16
Do not accuse anyone falsely (GNB). (bear false witness against thy neighbour: CEV)
In an ideal world one would never doubt another’s faithfulness. But we do not live in a perfect world. We are part of a broken dispensation that is disintegrating by the day. So, what are we to do?
Each one of us can make a difference. We may pursue the ideal. Starting small. In our own homes and with our own families. It is most probably the most difficult place to start, but this is where the seeds we sow, find fertile ground to germinate:
• You shouldn’t expect your children to tell a lie when the phone or doorbell rings and you don’t feel like facing people…
• When you promise someone a visit or that you will intercede on their behalf, do it…
• Your children may lay claim to your time and attention, and they instinctively know that ‘later’ actually means ‘never’… Prove them wrong.
• When you profess to love your partner, practise what you preach.
• When you’ve erred or disappointed someone, be the first to acknowledge your failure and start repairing the damage. Don’t hide behind excuses…
We can start cultivating a new way of operating in our workplaces:
• Do your employees know for certain that profit is not your only concern, whilst your vision and mission statement states that people are your biggest asset?
• Can the general public rest assured that every professional and public official who has taken an oath of allegiance will not become corrupt or obsessed with power and money?
Who can still be trusted? How can we start believing (in) each other?
• Return to Biblical values.
• Strengthen your relationship with God.
• Find a mentor to help monitor your growth.
• Support one another and admonish each other, when needed.
The Psalmist repeatedly states the following in the Afrikaans Bible for All (own translation): Lord, You always fulfil your promises (18:26). What a glorious day it would be when this could also be stated about every parent, employer, employee, politician, citizen….
Lord, make me someone who can be relied upon. Amen.