Tasteful relationships 22 August 2013
Dirk Taljaard
Reading from Scripture
Exodus 20:14
Do not commit adultery.
Real and lasting relationships are founded on true, mutual love and respect. Such love is to be modelled on God’s love – the love demonstrated in real terms by Jesus Christ. The Bible offers many examples proclaiming this. Let’s have a look at some of them.
Mark 9 offers four important principles that apply to relationships:
• We are not supposed to compete for honours; partners are equally important(35);
• Never feel threatened or intimidated by your partner (40);
• Do not become a stumbling block to your partner (42);
• ‘Add taste’ to your relationship (50).
1 Corinthians 13 is the well-known passage about love: Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal.
To help make this come true we need to start communicating with each other, or improve on the skill. Talk to each other – often – and not only small talk, but about things that would enrich your relationship. Listen to each other attentively – not thinking about your own response, but in order to really understand. Pay attention to body language. It sometimes speaks louder than words.
Schedule time to spend together and do things both find enjoyable. Be innovative and creative in your efforts. Take joy in each other’s uniqueness. Try to compliment your partner at least once a day and scale down on criticism. Take a trip down memory lane and relive some of the marvellous times spent together in the past. Laugh a lot more – especially reminiscing about the ‘stupid’ things you’ve done! Complement each other; don’t become complacent. Dream about what lies ahead!
Grow in faith and your relationship with God. Be part of a faith community which will stimulate your progress. Pray together and intercede on each other’s behalf. Never take each other for granted.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for not always demonstrating your love. Amen.