Love is .... 21 August 2013
Dirk Taljaard
Reading from Scripture
Exodus 20:14
Do not commit adultery.
Relationships and love will most probably remain a mystery for as long as we live. Although the Bible refers to it quite often, it is one of those things that cannot be fathomed. Why does one person feel attracted to another? Why do some people opt for staying alone, while others long for a partner and many others can wait to bail out of an unhappy relationship?
In most cases marriage is a personal choice. People choose to be wed. This very choice implies reciprocal responsibility. And yet, one is bombarded in the media with incidents of adultery, divorce and love triangles. Marriage is being ridiculed in many ways and by many people. Will it maybe have to be added to the list of endangered species? Is it in fact the very first step towards a divorce? Or does it have the potential to be the most special relationship?
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he uses the relationship between the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, and his bride, the church, as metaphor to indicate the uniqueness of marriage. When God created Eve as Adam’s partner, they were meant to complete one another and to live to his glory. In Old Testament times families were joined together through marriage and not only individuals.
The danger facing relationships could most probably be blamed on the way love is being portrayed and propagated: own needs, urges and desires take priority. Self-interest has become of prime importance. When these needs are not satisfied (any more), people start ‘moving on’. Adultery is just that: to break out of an existing relationship (with all the consequences emanating from it), or to break in and ‘steal’ which is supposed to be unique to marriage – to assume all of its privileges and responsibilities.
It is truly heartbreaking to come across so many ruined families, children, people – all because of decisions taken by others. How many single parent households try and survive. It is equally bad to see people still ‘living together’, whilst they have become alienated long ago.
If only God’s love could again become reality in our relationships and marriages. Tomorrow we will touch on that.
Heavenly Father, teach us to love as You love us. Amen.
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