Verse-a-day 10 April 2013
How real is God’s kingdom for me?
Hennie Symington
“Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do. Matthew 7:21
The “Good News” about the kingdom of heaven
As believers we are all part of the kingdom of God. For some it is a concept which exists only in a far-off kingdom of a life after death. Yet we are constantly reminded that the kingdom of God is “immanent” in others words it is present here and now as much as it is present in heaven.
Everything Jesus taught us, must be seen in the light of the good news of the kingdom of God. His ethics, his ideas on religion, what he said about himself can all be gathered under the umbrella of the “good news” of the kingdom of God. In Matthews 3:2 he says: “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
What does it have to do with me?
As citizens of the kingdom, this affects us directly. As children of God we cannot choose where or whether we would like to be part of the king because the kingdom is already present. We can however choose how we can help to make the kingdom visible in a world that has become blind to the reality of God’s presence on earth. It touches on every aspect of you life and how you live your life – from the way you treat a persistent beggar at the crossroads, a stubborn teenager in hour house, a difficult spouse, you aged parents, your colleagues at work to the stranger in your midst.
So let’s journey through the kingdom as if on a holy pilgrimage and see where our journey brings us. As they say, the journey takes you, not you the journey. Enjoy the ride.
Prayer for the day:
Dear God, forgive me for thinking that the coming of the kingdom has nothing to do with me. Make me mindful of your presence in all that I do, see and experience. Amen.
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