Verse-a-day 9 April 2013
The Kingdom is “inside”, not on top”
Hennie Symington
The time has come, and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the gospel. Mark 1:15
The Kingdom is immanent
The world we live in is not a place where we easily find peace. We lie awake at night with a feeling of distress while deep in our hearts we dream of a place where we can lead a quiet, untroubled life.
Often, it is God who in the depth and darkness of the night brings to you a different perspective on life which reminds you that the kingdom of heaven is near you, above you, next to you, and around you and not just a far off destination with an uncertain date of departure.
What does it mean to me?
If you can understand and accept that God is here and now, you can believe and accept that God's love and support is actively present in your life.
In order to build an awareness of the kingdom of heaven within you, you need to become more aware of God's presence which changes your outlook on life. In the midst of chaos around you, you become aware of the greater harmony of life that you sometimes lose sight of.
My calling in the kingdom
If the kingdom of heaven is near or already present, it is the duty of Christians be actively involved in making God's kingdom visible. So, instead of just staring at the horizon of eternity, take note of the signs of God's kingdom in our time and it delight therein.
Prayer for the day
Father, thank you that your kingdom is present among us giving us a foretaste of heaven when you will be present in everything and in all things.