Xanthe Hancox

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Mark 5:25-28, NIV
We cannot know for sure what illness the woman in Mark 5 suffered from, but we can be sure her struggle extended beyond her physical ailment. Her condition rendered her ceremonially unclean according to Jewish law and anyone who touched her, or anything she had touched, would also be considered unclean. Imagine the isolation and stigma she endured – cut off from normal life, contact with her loved ones, and the comfort of communal gatherings. Yet, her unclean status did not deter her from seeking healing, even in a crowd of people.
Amidst the bustling crowd that gathered around Jesus, the woman resolved to press through and touch the hem of his garment. Her act of faith was extraordinary, as she believed that even this indirect touch would be enough to bring about her healing. Her patience in waiting for the right moment to approach Jesus and her unwavering faith in his healing power set her apart.
The moment of her touch was a pivotal one. Jesus felt power flow from him and turned to acknowledge the woman's faith. He said, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34). In that instant, her patient faith was rewarded with healing and restoration.
We often face challenges that threaten to isolate us or define us by our struggles. Yet, like the woman with the bleeding, we can choose to press forward with patience and faith. Despite the obstacles and setbacks, we can trust that Jesus sees our faith and is willing and able to bring healing and transformation to our lives.
Prayer: Gracious Father, teach us to approach you with unwavering trust, believing in your power to bring healing and transformation. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.