Hennie Symington

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us - for it is written, “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” Galatians 3:13

Crucifixion was reserved for the worst criminals and was therefore a shameful death. Christ was not only crucified for all to see, but cursed as the crucified one. Jesus suspended between heaven and earth, is rejected, even by God.

Was Jesus able to disregard his suffering because He was divine? No, He died like one of us, as a human being. Why? Because the Bible states that “The wages of sin, is death”. The fourth Article of faith states very clearly that Jesus truly died. In John 16:32-35 it specifically states that the Son of God breathed his last breath and died.

Because Christ died, He needed to be buried, and to suffer the decay of death just as each of us as a human is doomed to suffer. Christ was not only human in life, but also in death. He enters the realm of the dead, exuding the smell of death showing that He truly became like one of us.

How should we interpret this phrase "He descended into hell" which appeared in the Creed much later (359 AD)? Unlike the forgoing statements, which describe literally the physical suffering and humiliation to which Jesus was subjected, this phrase seems more figurative. There is no doubt that Christ experienced utter desolation and immense suffering in a place from which God is absent. He willingly endured the absence of God to spare us the horror complete separation from God. Christ’s descent into hell, brings good tidings to humanity. Christ becomes the scapegoat for "God loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten Son so that we could have life."

Prayer: Christ you died for us so that we could be spared the horror of separation from you. Let me not disregard the suffering of Christ on my behalf but live a life dedicated to honouring you. Amen