By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

A fleet of 31 golden yellow trucks, filled with 1500 bales of grass, left Delmas, Mpumalanga on Tuesday. This gift was en route to the farmers in the Western Cape, who are currently going through what is considered to be the worst drought in 100 years.

During my conversations with both Delmas farmer, Francois Neuhoff who donated these bales (worth half a million rand) as well as Anton Smith from Hendrik van Wyk transport services who donated the transport to take the feed to the farmers, the message was clear: They did it because they were obedient to God’s call and they hope this will fill the receiving farmers with hope.

Francois told me that because they experienced the influence of drought on their farm in the past, they now wanted to give back out of their blessing. Is it always comfortable to obedient? Definitely not. Sometimes it requires us to leave our comfort zone (and your own convenience) to bring hope to someone in need.

This initiative made me think of the words in Proverbs 19:17: Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Also in Galatians 6: 7 we read:A man reaps what he sows.” And in Matthew 25:45, Jesus gives a testimony and ends with the following words: "Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

Are you experiencing a blessed season and year? When last have you shared your blessing with others? When last were you obedient to the call of the Holy Spirit to encourage someone in need? It does not have to be money, it can be words of encouragement or a prayer. Your obedience to God’s call might be an answer to someone else’s prayers. Your actions in fact become a physical manifestation of God's love and goodness towards us.

Today, somewhere in the drought-stricken areas, a farmer will kneel before God, begging Him for a breakthrough. In the same way, a widow or single mom in your area might kneel before God, begging him for food for her kids. Or an elderly person might beg God to take away his or her loneliness. Have you experienced a blessed year in your business? Do you have more than enough food in your cupboards? What are we as believers going to do to demonstrate God's goodness to people in need? God bless.

Father God, thank you for every blessing I receive from You. Please show me if there is anything I can do to be Your instrument today. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • See video of the fleet of trucks to the farmers at and also on the social media Facebook’s Stories van hoop page.
  • Assignment for the day: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to help at least one person – even if it is just to pray for them or help an elderly person cross the street. It can give someone else hope in their difficult season.
  • Feedback: What are you afraid of? And what subject would you like me to cover this month? Let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I would like to hear from you. Benescke