By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Today is World Heart Day. According to the South African Heart and Stroke Foundation, 225 people in our country die daily due to a heart disease and every hour 10 people suffer a stroke. What is interesting, is that the vast majority of these people did not know before that moment they had heart problems. They were therefore caught off guard.

What does your spiritual life look like? We often think that we will make right "one day" with God or "spend" more time with Him later on when my life is "quieter". The truth is that today can be your last day on earth. Are you ready to meet our Creator?

In Revelation 3:20, God says, “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” Also, I want to finish off the series with the verse that I started with in James 4:8: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." God desires to meet with us daily. He wants to be a part of every facet of our lives. He wants to demonstrate His goodness and love every day towards us.

My wish for you is this: Let’s ask the Holy Spirit daily to guide us to know God more intimately and to see Him at work around us. No matter the season you may find yourself in, remember that He truly loves us infinitely. God bless.

Father God, thank you for your love and mercy in my life. Please guide me through your Holy Spirit to get to know you better. I ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Assignment: Do you know where you will spend your eternity? If not, pray this prayer - the most important one in your life:
  • Father God, I desire a relationship with You and certainty where I will spend my eternity. I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died for me on the cross to forgive my sins. For this very reason, I ask you to forgive me my sins and allow me to come to Your Throne with confidence. I pray for this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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