Danny Fourie

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.  Proverbs 14:1

The reformer Luther said of his wife: “She is worth more than the kingdom of France and the Republic of Venice, because she is a pious woman that was given to me by God.” From these words we can gather how much worth Luther attached to the fact that his wife lived from the Word of God. She was a blessing to their family.

Solomon too praises the wife that fears the Lord and serves Him. In this verse he describes the special place of a wife in the family. The mother plays a pivotal role in family life. Who is nearest to the children in their first years of childhood than the mother? In general more than the father who often works during the day.

The family is the nucleus that provides security in society. Calvin rightly says that the family is a small church within the church. In the family, the foundation of a life in faith is secured. The mother is the one who can do this outstanding task. It is no humiliation for a woman to live in the family, on the contrary, it is a place of honour. Women can, of course, realize their potential outside the home. There are many such women. Sometimes a second income is needed.

A family with the mother at home means security and protection for a child. The influence of a mother remains until death – soldiers call for their mothers in moments of anguish.

Solomon praises the wise woman. This does not mean that the woman should have a degree. Solomon refers to a wise woman as a woman who fears the Lord. A woman who has respect for God. In the language of the New Testament, a woman who believes in Jesus Christ. Someone who tries to live as a Christian with a new love for God.

Such a woman is a queen, prophet and priest. As queen, she reigns over family. As prophet, she declares God’s Word. As priest, in loving and praying service to her children. Obviously, the task of the father is not incidental, but Solomon wants to emphasize the important role of the mother.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for all the mothers who love you. Give them the strength in their commitment to and caring of their families. Amen.