Ewald Schmidt

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” Ephesians 1:4 (NIV)

One of the most hurtful experiences in life is when you face rejection. It hurts when you get the feeling that you are not welcome, and that you do not fit into the group. In verse 4 it is stated that God chose us. But that sometimes leaves us with some burning questions. Am I good enough that God will also choose me? How will I ever know if I am chosen by God?

It helps to know a little bit more about the first readers of this letter. There were two groups in the church of Ephesus. The Greek believers would have grown up in the religion of their city, believing in the Greek mythology of the day. They came to know Christ, and thus had to turn their backs on their former religion and culture, and they were persecuted for their faith by their fellow Greeks. The Messianic Jews living in Ephesus came to know Christ as the Messiah they were waiting for. But not all Jews believed in Jesus, and so the Christians were ejected from the synagogue and close-knit Jewish community there. Both groups experienced rejection from their respective communities, and sometimes endured violent persecution for their faith. In these circumstances it is so normal to begin to question your faith, and the foundation you are building your life upon.

Paul gives some encouragement to these Christians, feeling the loneliness of rejection, of being outsiders in the city they have grown up in. They did not make a mistake, entrusting their lives unto Jesus. It brings a sense of peace to know that God has planned my life, and that he has chosen me long before I could choose to follow him. We were chosen to be holy, and blameless in our lifestyle. We need God’s help to change! By the forgiveness of God, and through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, we are being transformed to be holy, and blameless before God.

Prayer: Thank you Father, that you know me, better than anyone else. My existence was no surprise to you, for you have created me and gave me life. Thank you that you have done everything needed so that I can live, and love, and be yours. Amen