Title: Goodbye
Francois Sieberhagen
In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable. Philippians 4:8
The past month we looked at the world and at ourselves through my camera lens. The Bible guided our thoughts in order to make sense of it all. I hope that that was also your experience.
We are at the end of a journey. I think most of us will look at our photographs in a different way. But there is still one more question to be answered. What will the camera capture when it photographs you? What will be captured when you are photographed at work or at home? What will the smaller picture look like? Will it fit in with the bigger picture?
This reminds me of when I was in Paris, France. The bigger picture was the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral and the smaller picture captured, showed that it was nothing more than a tourist attraction.
I was in Torodi, Niger the day before. When I photographed the “church” in order to show a bit of the bigger picture of how Christians survive in a hostile environment, it was just a small building with grass mats that formed the walls and roof. The entire construction was plain and fragile. But the smaller picture spoke of a community of Christians that met on a regular basis in spite of difficult circumstances. These people were unashamed and very committed in their faith.
Life consists of contrasts and we have to be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances throughout our journey. It requires emotional and intellectual understanding of what is taking place in our lives. According to me, this is what Paul referred to and that is to portray a positive outlook and attitude towards life in spite of our circumstances.
May it be that when a camera follows you, both the bigger as well as the smaller picture will reflect the image and attitude of someone who is positive and whose actions and thoughts reflect this.
May this be true of you.
Prayer: Lord, please help me to be positive no matter my circumstances. Help me reflect that throughout. Amen.