Title: Hear and do
Francois Sieberhagen
When Jesus had said this, a woman spoke up from the crowd and said to him, ‘How happy is the woman who bore you and nursed you!’ But Jesus answered, ‘Rather, how happy are those who hear the word of God and obey it! Luke 11:27-28
Across South Africa there are a select group of Christians who come together on a weekly basis to listen to the Word of God. These people form part of the Faith Comes by Hearing program.
The program consists of the entire New Testament being recorded in a dramatised manner. The playback device used to play this recording is called the Proclaimer. Listening groups are then formed and the groups listen chronologically through the whole New Testament. During the meeting questions are asked as they discuss what they had listened to.
I had the opportunity to visit some of these groups as they listened and as they were about to finish the program. Throughout the people were grateful and could testify of appreciation and spiritual growth.
During these photo shoots they shared how much they enjoyed listening as a group. The leaders told me about some of the difficult questions they were asked. Suddenly these people who would have been marginalised are empowered to hear the Word of God.
This program is also followed in many schools and the teachers testify of a change in attitude in these children.
Everyone is very excited when certificates are handed out to acknowledge participation in the programme. Their commitment and regular attendance is rewarded.
During a visit to a retirement village the participants could not stop talking about this wonderful experience and what this time of scripture engagement meant to them. “We have listened to selections that no one ever has preached on before,” one lady said.
People who would not have been privileged enough to hear the Word of God now have a chance to listen and to retain the message they received.
Those of us who can read and are so fortunate to have a Bible should be grateful for this privilege.
Prayer: Lord, help me to not only hear your Word but to also retain it.