Title: Caring
Francois Sieberhagen
You will be doing the right thing if you obey the law of the Kingdom, which is found in the scripture, ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’. James 2:8
Joyela is only a speck on the map of Swaziland and the Matjetjeni Care Point is nothing more than a little building with a roof.
It is here that I meet the most wonderful people. I meet women from the surrounding community who come and teach a group of children. These children cannot attend the government schools as they cannot afford it. At Matjetjeni they receive something to eat and are taught to read and write. Nothing more and nothing less.
These children come from very poor circumstances and in their community “the feared illness” has taken its toll. Bongiwe Shongwe is hardly nine years old with a pretty face and the most beautiful smile. She is not shy and poses for me. She smiles broadly and enjoys the attention as only a child could. While photographing her I wonder about her future. What will become of this little girl? Will she be given all the opportunities she deserves? Will she be as lucky not to get infected?
I have the opportunity to capture the bigger picture. It is one of people who care and who are prepared to help. People who are set to make sacrifices for others. They live their faith in a practical manner.
We know that neighbourly love is not about the question of who is my neighbour. It is about those to whom I can be a neighbour. As in the case of Joyela, there are thousands of believers who reach out to others on a daily basis. These outreaches happen in different ways but there is one common divisor and that is obedience to the obligation Jesus gave us.
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself”.
This assignment requires self sacrifice and an open eye for others’ needs. This assignment asks of me to move out of my comfort zone and to get involved.
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see where I can make a difference in other people’s lives. Amen.