My religion or God’s - 30 January 2025
Ben Fourie
See to it, then, that no one enslaves you by means of the worthless deceit of human wisdom, which comes from the teachings handed down by human beings and from the ruling spirits of the universe, and not from Christ. Colossians 2:8, GNB
Man-made faith is what Paul meant when he wrote about false doctrines in his letter to the Colossian church, where these doctrines gained a big following. Self-made faith is not based on the true gospel of Christ, but on the teachings of people. Paul calls it philosophies or worthless deceit by human wisdom and legalistic teachings handed down by human beings. Why were the people in Colossus led astray by these things?
The answer is found in Colossians 2:23 where Paul said: “Of course such rules appear to be based on wisdom in their forced worship of angels, and false humility, and severe treatment of the body; but they have no real value in controlling physical passions.”
This man-made religion is worth nothing, but looked very inviting. It is nothing new and the people in Colossus were not unique in doing so. From the very beginning, the idea of self-redemption has attracted people. Human pride always finds it difficult to accept that salvation can only be given by God and God alone. People would like to contribute to their salvation, even if it is only to abstain from certain foods and drinks.
Unfortunately, any man-made faith is really dangerous, as one might be busy with idol worship instead of worshipping God. Faith that is not based on the Word of God alone, is, after all, nothing but idol worship. Man-made faith makes that which Jesus gained for us on the cross, completely worthless.
The most important thing we can do in this new year is to leave our salvation in the hands of God and not to listen to theories about how to be saved, which is being sold as true gospel by many. God saves us without any contribution from our side – enjoy being saved by God this year.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I struggle sometimes not to fall back on my own ideas about who you are and how you operate. Please help me to trust your Word and your Spirit, to understand who you are. Amen