Grace: Undeserved favour - 7 October 2024
Charlea Grey
That is why we must not be afraid to pray to God, who sits on his throne and who is merciful. We must go to Him so that He can help us when we need Him and He can give us his mercy and grace. Hebrews 4:16, English Bible for the Deaf
We often sing and speak of “amazing grace”. But have you ever paused to reflect on what grace truly means? Have you really taken the time to ponder its implications?
One morning, I was telling a friend at work how earlier that day, I had been upset with my husband. I was really irritated.
My friend listened patiently to my story. She nodded in understanding, clearly seeing my frustration. Then, she said something that made me stop and think: “I understand you’re angry, and it’s okay to feel that way. But give him a little grace.”
Right there in the office kitchen, she saw what I hadn’t – that my frustration came from something deeper. “Show a little grace,” she said. “Extend some understanding.”
The Cambridge Dictionary defines grace as “undeserved favour”. It is something we cannot earn, yet it is freely given. I find that description so beautiful. Since that conversation, I have become more conscious of grace and how incredible it is. I have also realised how much we all need grace, not only God’s immeasurable grace for us, but grace in our daily interactions with others.
We all need undeserved favour at some point, probably more often than we recognise.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your boundless grace. Thank you for continuously showing me undeserved favour. Help me to extend the same grace to others. Amen.
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