Verse-a-day 12 April 2012
Jesus' resurrection gives your life purpose
Quintus Heine
John 20:19, 20 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
The animated film Finding Nemo captured the imaginationof audiences around the world when it was released. If you have not seen it, it's worth watching!
There is a poignant moment in the film. The little Nemo is caught in a fish bowl at the dentist – he feels hopeless and dejected. He decides there is no hope for him. And then a pelican arrives at the dentist's window with the news that Nemo's father is searching for him and swimming all the way to Sydney to save him! Just that tiny bit of news was enough for Nemo! Suddenly, his whole attitude changed. Once again he was ready to fight and make plans to get away – which he managed to do! What changed his attitude so drastically?
The message that his father was looking for him and would not give up until Nemo was found! It gave him hope and a reason to live.
We read in the Bible how discouraged Jesus' disciples were after his death. They thought that all they had fought for and that for which Jesus stood was in vain! Nothing was worth it anymore! The message of hope died with Jesus!
Then the risen Jesus appears to them and the penny drops: he really rose from the dead as he promised. It changed their entire outlook on life. Suddenly they were ready to go into the world and tell everyone about Jesus' salvation!
What had changed? They realised that Jesus' promises were true, that he really rose from the dead and broke the bonds of death. Now they have a reason to live. From then on, death was not the end, but a new beginning.
Prayer: Thank you Father that you rose from the dead. Thank you that this message gives me strength to work purposefully for you each day.