Time: Celebrate your friends - 24 April 2024
Charlea Grey
One piece of iron can help another piece of iron to become sharp. That is how one person can help another one to become wise. Someone who takes good care of a fig tree will have figs to eat ... Proverbs 27:17-18a, The Bible for the Deaf
I am on the third writing about time and the things for which we must make time.While I am sitting here, typing, I think that life is so full and busy, and now I want to tell people to make time for more things.This, while I do not even get a proper chance to put the laundry away. But let me explain.
In February, a handful of girlfriends and I spent a weekend in Hermanus.We cooked, went for walks, sat on the beach and watched the sunset.We braaied for ourselves and, in between, entertained two toddlers, bathed and put them to bed.(Okay just one, the other one just fell asleep on his mother’s lap, because he did not want to miss out on anything.)
When my friend and I drove back to Cape Town with the packed car, my heart was full.
I also have a friend from school who travels the world.She is working on a luxury yacht and we rarely see each other.We try to check in on each other often and send voice messages, videos and photos. Every time we talk, I think back to my school days and all the things we used to do together.I also think of all the times we drank coffee together and just caught up on life’s twists and turns.I miss her, but I am grateful for a friend who has been a part of my life for more than 20 years.
Friends are one of the most wonderful, beautiful, joys of life.It is truly something to celebrate and I believe that God wants us to walk our path of life together with good friends who are also fellow believers.Without close friends, life can become very lonely.
Friends often offer something that family does not – a different kind of conversation, other insights, advice and perspective on life. Friends offer another kind of love and support, because we choose each other and we choose to spend our time together.We may have seen something in each other that is similar or something that is just different.
We, therefore, also have to make sure that every now and then, we really spend quality time with good friends.It may not be everyday or weekly,but an in-depth conversation or a lovely visit with good friends will fill your heart.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for friends who enrich my life.Thank you for friends who can go through life with me.Help me to also make time for my friends, Lord, and celebrate the amazing people in my life.Amen