Fish for everyone - 7 June 2019
Xanthe Hancox
Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.’ When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. Luke 5:5-6
Yesterday we read about the widow in Elisha’s day who had only a little oil, but with God’s help she ended up with every jar filled to overflowing. The disciples in Jesus’ day were in a similar situation: they had fished all night without a nibble, but at the advice of Jesus they cast their nets one more time.
Any onlookers would have told them that this was as foolish as trying to fill many containers from a small jar. You can’t catch fish in deep water in the middle of the day! But just as the widow trusted Elisha and collected jars from her neighbours, Peter and the others trusted Jesus and let down their nets. And the results were amazing!
God’s provision and his love for us is amazingly abundant. We are not loved in small drips but in flowing streams. God’s love is not measured in single minnows, but in boats nearly sinking under the weight of their catch.
Whether we are new Christians or Christians of long years of discipleship, Jesus calls us to generously share God’s grace and love with others.
Go and pour; go and cast! Then come and follow Jesus as we spread the good news of God’s love.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for loving us so generously. Help us to be as generous with your love to the people we meet to-day. Amen.