Neville Turley

The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A woman takes some yeast and mixes it with forty litres of flour until the whole batch of dough rises.”  Matthew 13:33 (GNT)

Our Lord likens the influence of the Kingdom of Heaven to yeast.  When the yeast is mixed into dough, the entire batch is affected and begins to rise. 

Over the centuries, Christianity has had a positive influence on all aspects of society.  Jesus said: “Let the children come to me.”  Following in his footsteps, Christians have been in the forefront of uplifting the plight of children.  

Children had no rights in Jesus time; his own parents had to flee to Egypt with him when King Herod declared that baby boys should be killed.  Infanticide was common, particularly when the baby had problems.

Seneca the Younger (4BC – 65AD) a Roman philosopher, wrote. “…We drown children who at birth are weakly and abnormal.  It is not anger but reason.” (On Anger 1.15.2)

Baby girls were particularly vulnerable. A letter from a Roman soldier to his pregnant wife reads: “Know that I am still in Alexandria … If you are delivered and it is a boy, keep it, if a girl discard it.”

Christians had other values.  A baby, whether it is male or female, perfect or imperfect is created in the image of God and precious.  Rome disagreed.  It took a lot of convincing before Emperor Valentinian in the fourth century listened to the pleading of Bishop Basil of Ceasaria and changed the law, banning infanticide throughout the Roman Empire.

After 400 years Christian influence had won the day! 

Today governments, churches, child protection services and the public are of one mind.  All children have the right to be cared for and kept from harm.  The influence of the Kingdom of Heaven continues to be evident whenever people incorporate Christian values and norms into their lifestyles and legislation.

To God be the glory.

Prayer:  Almighty God may our own Christian witness influence others to turn to you and pattern their lifestyle on the Lord Jesus Christ who with you and the Holy Spirit reign supreme forever.  Amen