Neville Turley

The second most important commandment is this: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’…  Mark 12:31 (GNT)

In Luke’s account, a teacher of the law tried without success to trap Jesus with questions.  Then he attempted to excuse his actions by asking, “Who is my neighbour?” (Luke 10:25-29)

It is a question that some believers are still asking today. The answer today is still the same as the answer Jesus gave.

The background to this parable is the road between Jerusalem to Jericho. Over the centuries it became a notorious road where bandits attacked and robbed travellers and then escaped into the desert countryside.

Four people feature in Jesus parable – a traveller, a priest, a Levite and a Samaritan.  The traveller is violently mugged, robbed, stripped and left half dead.  A priest comes walking by; when he sees the victim, he ignores him by crossing to the other side of the road.

The Levite cared enough for the traveller’s plight to go and look at the man, but then he too walked by on the other side.

Then along came the Samaritan.  His heart filled with pity at the sight of the injured man, he pours oil and wine on his wounds and takes him to an inn. The next day he goes the extra mile.  He pays the innkeeper to tend for the wounded man in his absence.

Then Jesus asked the teacher of the law, which of the three acted like a neighbour to the injured man. He answered, “The one who was kind to him.”

Jesus replied, “You go then, and do the same.” It is an instruction from Jesus to all of us to be kind to those in need.

Prayer: Almighty God, You made us in your own image.  Give us reverence for all your creation and a caring heart for those we are able to help – for Jesus sake.  Amen