Carina Francke

Human trafficking is probably one of the greatest injustices committed against any human being. The victims are snatched away from a life of freedom, familiar surroundings and loved ones and taken to unfamiliar, and very often, precarious circumstances, doomed to a life of mere existence. According to Nicolas Kristof, co-writer of the book Half the Sky, modern slavery is such a moral reprehensible trade that it could be compared to the slave industry of the 18th and 19th century.

In ancient civilization slavery was a common malpractice amongst nations, therefore the story of a little girl who was captivated when the Aramaic army invaded her country and she became the servant girl of the general's wife, is so remarkable. (2 Kings 5)

The leprosy of Naaman, her mistress's husband, captivated this young girl's heart: "If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him from his leprosy" (2 King 5:3). With the king's approval, Naaman immediately left for  Israel to find the man that could heal him. The prophet's instruction via his servant was clear and simple - he had to go and wash himself seven times in the Jordan river - a very disappointing and humiliating instruction to Naaman. He refused, but his attendants convinced him to at least put it to the test. After the seventh time he dipped himself into the Jordan, he was healed, "and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy"(v14) The result? He was so deeply impressed by the God of Elisha, that he believed in Him and undertook to henceforth only bring burnt offerings and sacrifices to the Lord alone (v17).

A little girl, who had all the reason to live in sackcloth and ashes because of her circumstances, became the bearer of the good news of salvation and healing! In the house of her enemy she demonstrated faith and fostered a good and healthy relationship with her captor. This was possible because she knew Elisha's God - the God of the impossible!

Maybe we should more often ask ourselves: Can I also make a difference when I find myself in unfavourable circumstances; when I live or work with difficult people; or when I am treated unfairly? Is my faith in God and His ability so strong and secure that I am willing to speak up? Am I living forgiveness? Can I unashamedly,  without hesitation say to anyone in need,"If only you could be with Him who changed my life?"

Prayer:Lord, I confess that my negative attitude, my feeling of injustice and my silence, so often mute the good news on who you are. Please forgive me and give me the courage to always, in all circumstances be the messenger of good news!  Amen