Xanthe Hancox

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Will I make it?  Will I be counted worthy to enter heaven? I know Jesus and trust in him as my Saviour, and I know that he is going to return. But although I have the desire to live a God-pleasing life, I’m not very consistent at it and many times I fail flat out. It makes me wonder that if Jesus were to return at one of those moments when I am failing miserably to live up to his holy will, how would he judge me? And the challenges that I face in life that work to undermine my faith, will I still be a believer at the end of my life?

I find Paul’s benediction at the end of 1 Thessalonians is encouraging for the times I feel this way. The God who calls us to godly living is the same God who makes it possible to live a godly life. God doesn’t forgive us and then leave us to try and live godly lives on our own. He makes us godly, he makes holy, he helps us grow in grace, and he is the one who changes us into the image of Christ. We couldn’t possibly do it ourselves.

We don’t need to wonder or worry if we will make it, if we will be blameless on that last day. God is faithful; we can count on his promises to help us through life and hold us in our saving faith. Through Jesus we will stand blameless on the last day and enter the glory that he has prepared for us. Praise God!

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for the truth and comfort we have in your word. Fill me with the confidence that in Jesus, my Saviour, I have the gift of eternal life. Sanctify me so that I may grow to be more like you each day, and guard my faith to the end. Amen