Neville Turley


But these have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life. John 20:31 (GNT)

John wrote this verse to explain the purpose of his Gospel.  He was no longer the same John that once asked the Lord if fire should be called down from heaven to destroy the Samaritan villagers who refused to receive Jesus.  (Luke 9:51-56)

Under Jesus, John had been transformed from a vengeful person to an apostle of love.

John’s experience was not unique.  No one who has opened their heart to Jesus is ever the same again.  He takes us and moulds us in his image and the process does not stop there. 

The old adage; “God uses those he chooses” applies to all of us.  “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.” (Mark 16:15) is not a charge our Lord limited to His eleven disciples.  To carry out his commission effectively requires a gigantic team effort in every generation.

John wrote his Gospel, others would come after him to spread the glad tidings that through Jesus one might gain eternal life.  Today it is our turn to carry out this commission from our Lord Jesus Christ. 

There is no better time than during the Christmas season to take stock of how we are doing so far.

The Bible Society exists to translate, produce and distribute Gods message of love and redemption.  It has the infrastructure to operate worldwide yet it cannot be effective without your prayers and ongoing support.

Can you think of a more perfect gift than partnering with the Bible Society in making the Living Word of God available to the world?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give us the grace and privilege to fulfil your Great Commission. Through the power of the Holy Spirit enable us to reach out to others in love with your life-giving Word. This we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour. Amen