Stephan Hoffman


‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.  John 15:5

Jesus used a very well-known image of the world in which he lived. The people knew a vineyard; they knew how the branches on the vines were attached. How the branch could not survive and bear fruit without the vine. They also knew that the branches had to be led and properly pruned to bear good fruit.

Jesus wants us to realise that to live we need to be grafted to him as a branch to a vine. Only if we are in a permanent living relationship with him, can the lifeblood of the Spirit flow through our lives. Yes, sometimes we are led and pruned, and it is not always pleasant, but the fruit of the Holy Spirit makes it worthwhile. We must also heed the warning that branches that do not bear fruit will be thrown into the fire and burned. The Word always remains a double-edged sword that on the one hand comforts and heals, but on the other hand also warns and cuts away what is wrong.

The question is how do we stay bound to Jesus? Jesus says in verse 9 that it is through love. The Father and Son are bound together through love. Through love we are also bound to God and with joyous gratitude lead lives obedient to God. This love binds us to each other and to other people. Rather Jesus sets it as a command: Love each other! (v17) Love is not only an emotion or something we can choose to show towards whoever we please. Love is an imperative, a command that we should out of gratitude, have for each other.

Jesus encouraged the disciples to witness to this wonderful love of God despite the hatred and rejection with which the world responds. The Holy Spirit will also encourage and enable us to continue witnessing.

Prayer: Almighty God, thank you that through Jesus Christ we are connected to you by an unbreakable bond of love. Thank you that you pick me up, cleanse and prune me, so that I can bear fruit to your honour. Help me to share with others the underserved love that you shower over me, even if sometimes it is answered with hatred. Strengthen me through your Holy Spirit to never stop testifying to your love. Amen