Carina Francke

Scripture: Genesis 1:26,27: "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule......So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

When God created man, He did so from the relationship between the "us" - the Trinity. But it was only when God's breath of life was breathed into them that they became a living being or soul; that the image of God was configured within them.

Do you realize what this means? We can connect and have a relationship with Him. Yes, the fall of man destroyed this spontaneous, natural and Godly relationship, but the "We" restored it again. God's living heart, Jesus' servant heart and the Holy Spirit's renewing work in our lives enables us to have a one-on-one relationship with the "Us."

God, being relational Himself, knew beforehand that His human creation will also have a need to be in relationships with his own kind. Adam though, had to make this discovery himself.  It happened when he named all the animals but could not find someone suitable for himself. Only then the Creator made another human being, the woman, with whom he could connect and have a relationship with.

It is quite clear that man was not created to only be man to God, but also to be man to another human. In a broken modern world though, people find it very challenging to connect to other people and even more so to build relationships with them!  But Jesus set the example, and if we are willing to learn from Him, we might just experience how our being man for someone else, comforts him and gives him hope for the future.

I want to challenge you to find at least 2 people within the next week, with whom you can engage in more than the courteous, "How are you today?" Find something that connects you to him as a person.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the unbelievable privilege to be man to You and to other people. But I do not always know how to do it. Please give me the willingness to connect and the insight of how to do it. Amen.