Your life is a living testament - 30 April 2014
Hennie Symington
Do not store up riches for yourselves here on earth … Instead, store up riches for yourselves in heaven … For your heart will always be where your riches are. Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6:19a, 20a, 33a
We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called. Romans 8:28
At the end of our lives we will all leave an intangible inheritance for the next generation to remember us by. This estate is more than just a reflection of our good and bad habits or our good and bad deeds. It is an inventory made up of all our life experiences. It is an unwritten document which reflects how we lived our lives. It is a record of so many joyful days filled with love and laughter, as well as days of heartache where we remained standing regardless of pain and loss. It is an audit of the precious moments which remind us of a life lived to the full despite our faults and shortcomings.
Often we feel that what we leave behind is not worth anything. In our hearts we keep a record of all the times we failed and disappointed others. Or when we did not live up to our own expectations. Fortunately for us, our inheritance is a living will which changes every day. God has not yet spoken the last word on your will and testament. What’s more, he left us an instruction manual with a message that says: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” It is the assurance that in God’s books there is no such thing as a bankrupt estate because he has calculated your value to the full and has paid the duties. It tells you that if you carry a vision of heaven in your heart, you will receive a glimpse of eternity. That’s a richer legacy than you could ever dream of.
Prayer: God, I am so grateful for so many thousands of days which have been entrusted to me to write a living testament. Thank you that everything that is written up in it is covered in grace. Amen