Jesus came to turn the tables - 25 April 2014
Hennie Symington
The man answered, “What a strange thing that is! You do not know where he comes from, but he cured me of my blindness! … Unless this man came from God, he would not be able to do a thing.” John 9:30, 33
When God enters one’s life, things change dramatically. Men and women are born again; they enter a brand new albeit untrodden path where other rules than previously apply. Take for example impulsive Peter who became the rock on which Christ built his church. Then there’s Zaccheus who hid amongst the leaves for fear of being exposed for the cheat he was but who is changed be Jesus. And what About Mary, the prostitute who washed Jesus’ feet in her tears and tried it with her hair.
He who commends himself into the hands of the living Lord indeed becomes a new creation. The Samaritan women who came to draw water in the midday sun, meets a man at the well who changes her life instantly. She flings off her shame and runs to town to spread the good news about the man with the living water. And before you know his name is on everybody’s lips.
This is the mystery of the New Testament stories: The kingdom enters your life like yeast and seeds it with new growth.
Perhaps you still remember how God entered your heart and touched you deep inside, changing your life completely. Mostly it means that we have been healed from our spiritual blindness. Suddenly things that we previously found strange or odd fall into the right place. No wonder the first words of new believers usually are: “One thing I know, I was blind, but now I see.”
Prayer: Thank God for choosing to make your home in my heart. Please make yourself at home –
anew as if for the first time. Amen