Are you a good citizen? - 14 April 2014
Hennie Symington
So Jesus said, “Well then, pay the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and pay God what belongs to God. Luke 20:25
Ask yourself the question: Am I a good citizen of my country? “Of course I am,” most of us would respond. I pay my taxes, I stop at the traffic lights, I don’t steal other people’s stuff, and I go to church fairly regularly. Good for you, but have you ever thought more deeply about the “do’s” and the “don’ts” of good citizenship? Interestingly a good citizen has a lot in common with being a good Christian. Perhaps I should ask: "How can I as a good Christian as well as a good citizen serve my country with the love of Christ?"
Judge for yourself:
- I respect everyone’s right to his or her opinion and their right to be treated with dignity (also my children who are at my mercy).
- I don’t exploit anyone (also not the unskilled/illiterate worker in my service).
- I am not guilty of perpetrating senseless violence (also not verbal violence against those I love).
- I do not begrudge a prisoner who has served his sentence a second change (and don’t wish him to be locked up forever and the key to be thrown into the sea).
- I protect the good name of others (and do not spread lies and false rumours about him or her).
- I welcome strangers to my land (even if I wish they would disappear overnight).
- I respect everyone’s right to his or her own opinion (even if I think it’s a load of rubbish).
- I do not begrudge everyone an equal opportunity (as long as they don’t expect me to provide it).
- I will protect my and other people’s kids (even though I detest the street children begging at the traffic lights).
From this it is clear that it’s easy to say the right thing as long as it fits into your scheme of things. But when looking at the world through the eyes of Christ, we find it difficult to do it heart and soul. How about reading the above statements while substituting the words in brackets with the following: “because Christ commands me to do so”. Makes a difference doesn’t it?
Prayer: How difficult it is Lord to think outside our own parameters at the needs of others. Help me to step outside my safe environment by looking through your eyes just for a day or a moment in time. Amen