Like father, like son - 16 August 2013
Dirk Taljaard
Reading from Scripture
Exodus 20:12
Respect your father and your mother, so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you.
The expression: Like father, like son, is one of those true words spoken in jest. What children observe in their homes, is often echoed in their conduct and words. Do as I say, not as I do, doesn’t go down well. It’s just not on!
Respect and honour for parents, cultivated at home, will spread to all levels of authority in society. The imbalance caused by the emphasis placed on human rights at the expense of human responsibilities, has not brought the desired effect as anticipated. Seemingly, everyone does as he or she wishes, calling upon their own rights only.
Balance is important. If children are either given carte blanche to do as they wish, or kept under the thumb at home, they find it hard to adjust in a larger set-up. At school they want to dictate. If an employer demands accountability, they protest. They are unable to handle conflict, especially when their own opinion is disregarded. Everything needs to suit their wishes as civil citizens, otherwise they claim to be discriminated against.
As parents, let us take up our responsibility again: do not only belittle (political) leaders and teachers, but emphasise own duties; when referring to a police or traffic officer it should not be defamatory or derogatory; traffic rules should be observed (even though the majority of people on the road don’t); refer to work as an opportunity to make a difference and not as a an inevitable evil…
This commandment is called the only one with a promise attached: so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you. It doesn’t necessarily imply a longer life, but a more fulfilled one. When people learn to respect and honour each other, it would just seem to be longer.
You can make the difference, doesn’t matter from which angle you approach this commandment. You can make our country a place where everyone enjoys the rights, but also takes responsibility for their actions and choices.
Heavenly Father, help us to enjoy life as responsible children and citizens. Amen.