When God spoke… 1 August 2013
Dirk Taljaard
Reading from Scripture
Exodus 20:1
God spoke, and these were his words:
Commandments? Laws? Do’s and don’ts? This is what religion is all about, isn’t it: prohibiting all the enjoyable things in life, like a sharp dagger held to your throat..?
Unfortunately this is the perception many people have about the Ten Commandments: restricting, inhibiting, stealing one’s joy. But, another term used for the Ten Commandments is the Decalogue, which could be translated with Ten Words. As in the very beginning, when God called everything into being by merely using words, by speaking, He is still creatively involved in his creation. He wants to open possibilities for improving and improved relationships between mankind and Himself, as well as for people among each other.
Let’s be honest: civil society as we know it, in fact the world as a whole, needs to (and maybe has the unpronounced desire) listen to words that make sense. Not the jargon so frequently used by politicians, the philosophies of the know-it-all’s. For this is one of the main reasons for the current state of affairs.
The media is constantly reporting on lawlessness, anarchy and resistance towards everyone and everything that promotes orderly conduct. We are surrounded by corruption and deceit. Marriages and families are disintegrating. Human life has become so cheap. You do not know whom to trust anymore. Nothing and nobody seems to be safe and protected.
These Ten Words want to offer a safe space in which relationships can again flourish. It is filled with a very special content: values, norms and guide lines. They remind one about the better route to take – not necessarily the easiest – but the one encouraging the establishment and maintenance of a sound and solid life style.
During the course of this month we will reflect on these Ten Words, as well as on the dramatic effect it could have on ourselves and our immediate environment, if taken to heart.
Dear Lord, open our ears so that we may hear your voice and make this world a better place. Amen