A light when He reigns in me - 13 June 2013
Carina Francke
Matthew 5:14: "You are the light of the world."
In the first few devotions we studied what God is doing in our lives. For the next few days we will focus on how His "kingdom within us" influences us and the world around us.
His kingdom within us has an implication: we have a responsibility to seek how "to make it visible" to the world out there by the way we live our lives. Luckily we do not have to do this on our own because we have the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit in us. He teaches us how to be light, salt and an aroma to the world.
These three metaphors refer to the positive and preservative influence you and I, as believers, have on people. What does it mean to be the light of the world?
Jesus is the true Light of the world (John 8:12) but connects Himself to us when He uses this metaphor to refer to us as the light of the world on a hill or stand that gives light to everyone. (Matthew 5:14-16). But you and I have to understand that it is His presence in us that radiates light; we are merely reflecting His light in us, we are not light itself. Maybe an example from nature would make it clearer: the moon is not a light in itself but merely reflects the light from the sun that shines on it - the closer the moon moves to the sun in its orbit, the brighter the moon shines. Do you live near enough to the Light that people can see the light in you?
Leaves absorb (sun) light, which then causes photosynthesis in plants. It involves the conversion of light energy into 'fuel' thus enabling the plant to keep its systems running. In the same way, you and I need the Light to have life, and have it to the full. But equally important, we have to stand in His light to do what Phil 2:15,16 teaches us, "....shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life." It is your calling to live so near to the Light that your life explodes into life giving light for those who live in darkness.
Or do you hide your light under a bushel by an uninvolved and fading relationship with the Lord? If your answer is yes, then you knowingly deny the Light in your life. But sadly you also do an injustice to the people whom you work and play with daily - they stumble along in pitch black darkness with a hidden light standing beside them.
Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank you that I am privileged to reflect Your light. Help me to identify anything that might block out Your light in me. Amen.