Verse-a-day 16 May 2013
The Lord's Prayer (3)
Quintus Heine
Matthew 6:10 "your kingdom come."
Here we have the essence of the gospel in prayer. This prayer declares that God is the Creator and King of the universe; that this kingdom is growing and expanding across the world and that it affects every area of our lives. God brings his kingdom to stand against evil. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ, is part of this kingdom.
When Christians pray this prayer, they confess:
- That God is in control of the world. This stands in opposition to the lie that the devil is in control of the world and life. The world promises great things, but it cannot make the earth a better place. It is only God who can do that. If you pray "your kingdom come" then you are praying for the Lord to take over and make the world a better place. You are praying for God’s justice to be victorious, for his kingdom to prevail over poverty, suffering and sickness. What a wonderful declaration to pray for!
- With this prayer you explain your willingness to get involved in community issues. That you will be God's hands on earth to make the world a better place. That you will provide for the sick, help to alleviate poverty, and to make human suffering lighter. You declare your willingness to preach the salvation of Jesus. You state that you will do your best to live out God's love in the world!
- With this prayer you confess that the Lord reigns by his Word and Spirit, and that you want to subject yourself to God in all things. With this prayer you acknowledge what God is doing with your life and you pray that the Lord will take more and more of your own self and take over your life. You state that you want to grow spiritually more and more every day so that God's grace and love can be seen in your life.
- It is also a prayer of trust – that you trust God's rule and that you will adhere to his will.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.