Verse-a-day 14 May 2013
The Lord's Prayer (1)
Quintus Heine
In Matthew 6:9, Jesus says, 'This, then, is how you should pray.' Over the next few days we will specifically look at the model prayer that Christ gives to his disciples. The church father Augustine is credited with saying that never a day should pass without a Christian praying this prayer.
Matthew 6:9 "Our Father in heaven."
Our: It is worth noting that the model prayer that Jesus gives us does not start with "My" but "Our". The plural "our/us" appears eight times in it. This is a joint statement of our identity with Christians across the ages. This means that you identify with Christianity and all other believers and every time you and I pray, we pray with all the believers of all time. Our prayers should always benefit the kingdom of God and the whole Christian community.
Father: Jesus himself, except on the cross, never addresses God as "Father". He was the only begotten Son of God and to call him "Father" was his privilege. Yet, he gives this privilege to his followers. No one can call God Father except through Christ (John 14:6). We can only access the family of God through Christ. Who then are the children of God who can call God their Father? Everyone who believes in Christ's atoning death on the cross! In the words "Our Father", the personal relationship between you and God is established. You are truly his child.
Invitation to Prayer: The fact that God is our Father means that we can go to him confidently with anything. The term "Father" is an invitation to prayer. He is our Heavenly Father and always wants the best for us. As a child always goes to his parents, he wants to encourage and invite us to go to him. He is our Father and he wants to give us rest. He loves us. Whatever lies heavy on your heart, you can take to your heavenly Father - he invites you!
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.