Verse-a-day 28 January 2013
CURRENT THEME: New hope for 2013 (Share your feedback with us at
By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
Do you dream about making a difference in the world around you? And if you die today, would you be proud of your legacy?
In the Westminster Abbey in London, an Anglican bishop is buried with these famous words on his gravestone: “When I was young and my imagination had no bounds, I dreamed about changing the world. As I became older and wiser, I discovered that the world will not change. My dream changed slightly to where I decided that I would aim to change only my country. I had no success with that. In my autumn years, I had one last attempt at changing things. I realized that I would have to be satisfied with only changing my church or even only my family. They did not want to know anything about it. Now, while I lying on my deathbed, I understand, too late: If only I had started with myself, I might have been able to change my family and a few parishioners. With their inspiration and encouragement we might have changed our country. And who knows, even do something about the world.”
Sometimes we get so carried away by a dream we carry in our hearts, that we miss the current opportunities. In Zechariah 4:10 Zerubbabel is busy laying the foundation of the temple. This seems like a rather mundane task. Yet, listen to God’s words regarding his job: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. . .”
When we realize that God knows our dreams, but also the future He has planned for us, we will experience much less stress in our lives and start seizing many more opportunities He presents. So do not miss the opportunities presented in this week. In so doing, we might change our community, our country and who knows, eventually even the world! God bless.
Father God, thank you for the privilege of knowing that you know my future and that I can rest in You. Help me to identify and exploit opportunities you are giving me today to make a difference in other people’s lives. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
** Benescke Janse van Rensburg is a radio DJ, freelance journalist and author of the books, Ontdek God in die stories van mense, Wysheid-oordenkings uit Spreuke and Hoop in tye van nood-oordenkings uit Psalms.