By Benescke Janse van Rensburg 

In March this year, I did a 21-day series, The Breakthrough. For me, it was a step of faith, but one that I took in obedience because I saw it as an opportunity for participants to experience God's hand in their lives.
We all have areas in our lives that are not pleasant. To some, it's a broken relationship. To others loneliness or a struggle with their weight. Still others struggle financially or perhaps long for a baby or spouse. The problem when we pray about these matters and do not get an immediate answer is that we begin to accept it as our "fate in life". This while we forget that Jesus came to us, so that we can taste a life in abundance.
For 21 days, participants fasted while we prayed specifically regarding these areas. I compared the challenges in our lives to trees being erected in our lives. When we identify it and start praying about it, it is like a woodcutter starting to cut around the thick trunk of the tree. To finally get rid of the tree, however, we must identify the roots of this “tree”. Only then the change becomes evident.
It is now months since the series, and I still receive testimonies from people who testify of what God has done in their lives. There are too much to mention - participants who are pregnant after years of waiting, broken relationships that have been restored, people who finally got jobs, financial breakthroughs and just yesterday I received a testimony from a participant who struggled with her weight for years, that testifies that she shed her first 10kg.
God wants to be good to us. In John 10:10 Jesus says: “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ” In John 14:13 Jesus says, "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
What will your life look like if all the trees fell? Don’t you want to see what will happen if you continue to trust God? God bless.
Father God, today I bring (name your situation) to You. Please show me what the root of the "tree" is. Guide me through your Holy Spirit to know how I can eradicate this root so that I can experience a life in abundance. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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·         Books: Get Benescke Janse van Rensburg's latest book, God is stééds God (Afrikaans) with more than 60 contemporary testimonies here:  Use the VERS coupon for a special price. The reprint of God was Dáár is also available now.  

·         Feedback: If you want to give feedback about the series or have a testimony that you would like to share, please use this email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.