By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

A number of readers have already shared testimonies with us since the start of the series. Thank you very much for that. Here are two of them:

Reader 1, Grietjie: My husband, Johann, was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer in June 2010. Since then he has been operated on several times. With his six-month follow-up visit this year on 31 August, the doctors discovered a very high increase in his PSA-levels (cancer markers in his body). They expected that the cancer had spread to another part of his body. He had to go for a PET scan during which they scan his whole body to detect any cancer. Again, friends, family and Bible study groups prayed together for a miracle.

This morning, I read the devotion entitled, "God hears when we call unto Him." A few hours later, the specialist contacted Johann with the news that they did not find any cancer in his body! With tears of gratitude I am praising God for this miracle!”

Reader 2: "My husband owns his own business. Initially, it was extremely successful, but the success caused my husband to drift away from God. We were fighting all the time and eventually almost got divorced. All I could do during this difficult season was to pray that God would save my husband’s soul.

Things took a turn for the worse. Work dried up at my husband’s business and at 7 months of my pregnancy, my husband had to close down the workshop and move back home. A week before he left the workshop, he got robbed and lost all his equipment! Only God’s mercy and our parents' financial support prevented us from losing our home.

During this, we started attending church more often. One evening we attended a worship service. The worship leader at one point said that he experiences that God says to him there is one man in the audience wondering whether God has forgotten about Him. Now you have to understand, since knowing my husband, I have never seen him walking down to the front on his own. He would much rather leave very quickly after the service. That evening however, after the worship leader made the call, my husband, with tears, walked to the front on his own. I cried uncontrollably, knowing that God had answered my prayers.

My husband truly met with God. Not only did He change my husband’s life, but the business also turned around. We are almost out of debt and our marriage is stronger than ever. I can not thank God enough for answering my prayers!"

In 1 John 5:14 we read: “And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.”God sees the bigger picture and at times we just need to trust Him instead of asking questions because we only see a part of the picture. Let's continue to speak to Him about our challenges and let’s trust Him for the best possible outcome in every situation. God bless.

Father God, thank you for listening to my prayers. Help me to be strong at times when the burden of a challenge seems too difficult for me to bear. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.