By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

A few weeks ago, where I am involved in the Cape Peninsula, the radio station launched a project to help some families in need by surprising them with a big bag filled with groceries. Listeners could nominate families that they knew were struggling. We selected five families and went to their homes.

The morning before we left, I looked through the very heavy bag filled with groceries, out of curiosity to see which products were chosen. Among all the food products, I found a packet of popcorn. As I looked at it, I wondered why they decided on popcorn instead of just another bag of rice. It was strange to me.

When we arrived at one of the families, the single mom Lisa was in tears. She could not believe that someone took the time to nominate her for the project. What inspired me, is the fact that she chose to worship God even in the toughest storms in her life (with some nights not having anything to eat), because she believed that God is the Provider for her and her teenage son (look at the link below to see a video).

After we left, we received this message from Lisa: "Yesterday, I stood in a shop and suddenly had a desire for a bag of popcorn. Never really before, but just yesterday. When I looked at the price and saw it was R18, I immediately put it back as I realized it was a luxury. When you guys left, I opened the grocery bag and was completely blown away. On top of the contents was a bag of popcorn – the same one I put back in the shop! What a testimony that our Father provides in our smallest desires and not just our needs. . . "

In Job 34:21, we read: “For his eyes are upon the ways of a man, and he seeth all his goings.” In Isaiah 43:1, God Himself says, "Do not be afraid, I will deliver you, I called you by your name, you are Mine." In Isaiah 49:16, He says, "I have engraved your name in my palms. . .” Also in Luke 12:7 we read: "Even the hair on your head is all counted. Do not be afraid."

Did God hear Lisa’s praises in her storm? For sure. Did He prepare her the day before so she would see His goodness? I am sure of it. Let us remind ourselves that He sees and hears everything. He hears our praises, but also our whispers when a challenge seems too big to bear. May we never forget that our names are engraved on His palm. He counts the hair on our heads and He truly loves us unconditionally. God bless.

Father God, thank you for caring about me. Please help me not to lose faith during the storms and to continually remind myself that You are my Provider. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.