Danny Fourie

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Proverbs 6:6-8

All of Solomon’s knowledge and wisdom comes from the fear of the Lord. This means to take account of the Lord and his Word in our daily lives.

In these verses Solomon focuses on a very important part of our lives, namely our work. Solomon’s message is that even in our daily work we have to fear the Lord and serve Him.

God created man to work and to rest. Adam and Eve were given the assignment to work the earth and take care of it – an assignment of labour. Despite the fall of man, this assignment or command remained, although it would be with difficulty. ‘Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life,’the Lord told them.

Our work is both a blessing and a curse. Through our work we can provide for our livelihood – God’s wonderful plan.

In the days of Solomon there were people who did not want to work, but still wanted to eat. They were lazy rather than tired. They slept long after the sun had risen. They spent their days doing nothing. Solomon angrily addressed these people. People who live like this are on a miserable path.

People who do not want to work are not only unwise – in the end they will become impoverished. The matter gets even worse. People who do not want to work are disobedient to the command of God, to work the earth and care for it. They do not take God into account. Such a person is a sinful fool. Laziness leads directly to demise.

Solomon’s advice for the sluggard is to watch the ants and to learn from them. He sends the sluggard to a special school. The school is not far away, in fact it is right in front of the sluggard. The sluggard does not need to make extra effort to get there, otherwise he or she would not do it anyway.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that we may work and that we are employed. We pray for many people who would want to work, but cannot find work or who are prevented from doing so as a result of physical problems. We also pray for people who do not want to work, but still want to eat. Help us all to obey your command every day. Amen