Benescke Janse van Rensburg

The Dineo cyclone and Oroville Dam. These two caused concern to a large group of people over the past few days. In Mozambique, the residents on the South Coast near Xai Xai are currently preparing for the tropical cyclone, Dineo, to hit the coast. The South African Weather services reported that the cyclone is approaching the coast at a speed of 3.7 km/h. If it reaches the coast, devastating winds of up to 212 km/h and heavy rain is expected.

In California, about 200,000 people below the Oroville Dam, one of the largest dams in the United States, were evacuated earlier this week due to the emergency lock breaking while the water levels of the dam continuing to rise. If the dam breaks, a lot of people might perish due to the masses of water that might flood towns and communities. Some of the residents returned home yesterday, but they were advised to stay on high alert. If any problems arise at the dam, they will have to evacuate immediately once again.

I wonder how it must feel to live in Xai Xai, knowing that the cyclone is heading your way, or to stay in one of the villages or communities underneath the Oroville Dam. Do you live in fear? Do you expect the worst? Or do you prepare the best you can and trust God to protect you, come what may?

In our lives, from time to time, we also experience situations that might fill us with fear as we do not know the outcome of the possible crisis. It may be rumors of layoffs at work, a marriage heading for divorce, news of a loved one expecting to live only a few weeks with an illness, a job contract not being renewed or a child struggling to pass his or her academic year. These situations easily fill us with fear. It ties ones stomach in knots, paralyzes us and robs us of our joy. It even makes it difficult to think straight and make good decisions.

The disciples once found themselves in such situations. In Mark 4 we read that Jesus and his disciples crossed the lake on a boat when a storm suddenly arose. Waves broke over the boat and it began to fill with water. The disciples were terrified. Jesus, however, slept through the whole ordeal. When finally awoken, the disciples asked Him: "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" InMark 4: 39-40 we read that Jesus arose, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" The wind immediately obeyed and a great silence followed. Then, turning to the disciples, He said, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"

In 2 Kings 6, the king of Syria sent troops with chariots and horses to capture the prophet Elisha. The army surrounded the city during the night. When Elisha's servant saw it the next morning, he was terrified. He shared the news with Elisha who responded: "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them"(2 Kings 6:16). God then opened his servant's eyes to see that the mountain was filled with many more horses and chariots of fire. I AM protected them.

Amid threats of bad things that might hit our lives, we too have a choice. We can either focus on the WHAT IF or I AM? He never changes. He is greater than any challenge and has the answers and solutions to all problems, even those that we have not even encountered yet. Even if there are warnings of impending cyclones or masses of water, we need to remind ourselves that He calms the storm with one word and that His chariots and horses of fire are much more powerful than the greatest army in the world. He will protect us, because He cares for us. God bless.

Father God, thank you for being in control of my life. Help me to put my faith and trust in you and not get stuck on focusing so much on what can possibly go wrong in my life. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

ASSIGNMENT: Speak to God about your impending "cyclones or masses of water". Tell Him how it makes you feel, but then, choose to praise Him for who He is and trust Him to protect you.

FEEDBACK: Please send your feedback, a testimony of God's goodness or any questions on the topic to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Benescke